Aussies see evergreen funds as private market hot-spot

After 23 straight years of outperforming public markets, it’s time for investors to recalibrate their exposure to private credit based on short-term pockets of risk and the long-term runway for growth. At least that is the conclusion of Mario Giannini, executive co-chairman of US-based alternative investment manager, Hamilton Lane. While private equity buyouts and real estate saw the run end last year, Giannini argues that investors who view this as a window into future performance are ignoring the previous 30 years. Protection against downside risk Giannini points to the numbers, which reveal that over no five-year period did investors ever lose money in buyouts, private credit or private infrastructure. “This is one of the most unappreciated benefits of private market exposure in a portfolio: protection against downside risk,” said Giannini. “A reasonably diversified buyout or private credit or private infrastructure portfolio would be hard pressed to lose money… the risk in these markets does not typically stem from losing money.” With that in mind, Giannini believes the credit, infrastructure and secondary sectors are "primed for future success." AI applications While Giannini recommends investors have exp