Trump reignites America's partisan march on voter ID

An executive order to overhaul the United States' federal election process - including required documentation of citizenship proof - has been met with hostility by Democrats who say that concerns over illegal immigrants casting ballots are unfounded and a "non-issue". The order says the U.S. has failed “to enforce basic and necessary election protections” - calling on states to work with federal agencies to share voter lists and prosecute election crimes - with federal funding to be taken away for non-compliance. “Under the Constitution, State governments must safeguard American elections in compliance with Federal laws that protect Americans’ voting rights and guard against dilution by illegal voting, discrimination, fraud, and other forms of malfeasance and error,” the executive order states. “Yet the United States has not adequately enforced Federal election requirements that, for example, prohibit States from counting ballots received after Election Day or prohibit non-citizens from registering to vote.” Why all the fuss?The contention around voter ID laws stems from states' self-governance and federal standardisation efforts and alignment with political parties’ rational election strategies. Conservatives are lo